Wake The F Up!

About Wake The F Up!

sponsored by Golden Gate Cannabis Co.

Returning from his deep space mission to Kepler Eriandi, Steve Foxx finds his nation in shambles and in the hands of fascists. Assembling a team of rock and roll heavy hitters; he pledged to the free peoples of America to broadcast freedom, information and rock music until his dying breath. We Resist.

Heavy Rotation

  • Saturday 7:00 – 8:00am


  • 34 counts. A weekend to celebrate. But remember, babies, we got a lot of work to do to keep this fascist out of our White House.

    60 mins

  • Let’s do it! Can I kick it, Foxx? Yes We Can! Let’s make this the Summer of we as we beat back the tide of fascism…

    60 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Wake The F Up! to your podcast app.

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  • It’s January 2025 and Joe Biden has lost the Presidential election. The Senate and the House also fall into fascist hands. They have the whole of…

    60 mins

  • That’s the new Cult 45 chant that’s sweeping the nation. ‘Let’s Go Aneurysm!’ Use it anytime you want; whether it be disrupting one of his cult…

    60 mins

  • Alright babies, I get that it’s only the beginning of Spring, but we need to delve into the what’s next. Donald Vonshitznpantz trials thoughts, protests and…

    60 mins

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