
Donlad Trump is Fucking Crazy

Keith Olberman


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Recent broadcasts featuring Keith Olberman

  • Girls and Boys, ain't we sick of just saying this over and again? But guess what? It's always back to Russia. Putin. Trump. Collusion. Conspiracy. Check…

    Wake The F Up!

  • Another turning point in these weeks leading up to the midterms. With Dr. Ford coming forward we have a chance at three things: Stopping the nomination…

    Wake The F Up!

  • Girls and Boys, ain't we sick of just saying this over and again? But guess what? It's always back to Russia. Putin. Trump. Collusion. Conspiracy. Check…

    Wake The F Up!

  • Ah, that smell. The wafting of another Trump acolyte flipping. You can bet your bottom dollar that Michael Cohen is looking to squawk, SQUAWK! at Rober…

    Wake The F Up!

  • Babies; With the mid terms looming, locally, regionally and nationally we are entering a countdown. This could be a countdown toward creating a more just society…

    Wake The F Up!

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